Hi bloggers on Friday the 11 of June when it was STEM week our school had our own toolkits. If you don't know what STEM stands for it stands for science, technology, engineering and math. I was one of the people who presented, I was presenting Webcam Toy with my friend Dusty. If you don't know what tookit is it is when there are when people present a site and show you how to use it and then they let you try out the site. To choose which toolkit you wanted to go to we filled in a google form.
In my first toolkit I went to Hauraki to learn how to do a slide animation. It was amazingly fun. If you don't know how to do a slide animation here is some instructions.
- Make a google side
- Find a image you want to animate
- Click on it
- Find the word animate on the bar above the slide
- Click on it and press make a animation
- Press the word fade in and it should come up with with other words
- Choose how you want you image it come on to the slide
- Find a word that says click on and choose when you want your image come on to the slide
- Press play if you want to see your animation
- If you like it press the x and press present and watch you animation.
Here my slide animation that I made in this toolkit
In the next toolkit I was presenting Webcam toy. I think this was the best part of the toolkit because all of my friends where there and we even took group pictures. If you don't know how to use webcam toy here is some instructions.
- Type in webcam toy in your search bar
- Use the arrow keys to get from the next and previous page
- Press the space bar to take a picture
Here are some photos of this toolkit
And in the last toolkit I presented Webcam toy again. It was not as fun because none of my friends were in this one.
I think that the second toolkit was the best out of all of the toolkit but did kind of like the google slide animation. I reckon we should do this every year.